Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Electric Blanket Testing

This is a message from Northamptonshire West Police to all residents on behalf of Northampton Fire and Rescue Service.

All electric blankets found to be faulty at a testing session are replaced free of charge (limited to one per household).
Electric blankets should be checked by a qualified technician every three years for signs of wear or damage.
Although electric blankets are made to strict safety standards, any blanket which is used or stored incorrectly, or is more than ten years old may be a fire risk so it is vital that people use this potentially life-saving opportunity to get their electric blankets tested.
Testing sessions are taking place across the county during 13th to 17th September.

They have been organised by the county council alongside Age Concern with support from the Electrical Safety Council.

• Monday 13th September - Mounts fire station, Mounts Northampton

• Tuesday 14th September - West Glebe Park Pavilion, Cottingham Road, Corby

• Wednesday 15th September - Brackley Fire Station, St James Road, Brackley

• Thursday 16th September - Riverside Resource Centre, Islington Road, Towcester

• Friday 17th September - Age Concern, Billing Road, Northampton

Anyone wishing to book an appointment to get their blanket tested should telephone 01604 611200 or 611209.

Thank you