Monday 5 March 2012

Telephone Scam Message

Information sent on behalf of Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network
Message sent on behalf of James Maddan, Chair of NHWN

We are all familiar with the wide variety of scams that have plagued our communities for the past few years.  Distraction burglary and other doorstep crime is pervasive and has a significant impact on the victims. The latest evidence from Operation Liberal is that the victim of doorstep crime is between two and a half and three times more likely to die or be admitted to residential nursing care than someone of a similar age who has not been a victim.

I have been made aware of a particularly nasty scam which is spreading from London and the Home Counties where it started and is now being reported across England and Wales. This is known as the 'Courier Scam' and we should be making our members and the wider community aware of it.

The essence of the scam is described in a blog (attached) posted by the Chief Executive of Wandsworth Council in London and is self-explanatory. The police and the banks have issued some basic guidance (attached).

Message sent by
Sam Cox (NHWN, Administrator, UK)

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