Monday, 17 September 2012

Street Representatives In Kislingbury

I show below a list of the Volunteers who represent your Streets. What they do is not very demanding, but it makes the scheme successful, and my thanks go to them. If you would like to volunteer to become a Street Representative please contact me. You may want to share a Street with somebody who is already on the list. the more people we have the better the scheme works!

Kay Longland (832473) Beech Lane,
Wendy Blyth (832524) Camp Lane,
Hilary Nevison-Andrews (831683) Church Lane,
Lal Clayson (839017), Church Lane
Patricia Geary (830465, Dukes Green Road
Alana Truscott (831545) Hall Close,
Paul Collins (830219) High Street,
Mel Bowler (830969) High Street,
Bernard Gent (830579) Hodges Lane,
Jackie Hogan (83i633) Lichfield Close,
Kim Masters (830632) Mill Lane,
Fred Collins (830494) Mill Road
Di Ward (832171), Mill Road
Tim Ward (831558), Millers Close
Carol Blackburn, (07534973228), Nene Way
Madeline Headford (830603) Riverside Court and part of High Street,
Jackie Hogan (831633) School Lane,
Joan Starmer (830913) Starmer's Lane,
Felicity Dunkley (830514) part of The Green,
Miriam Harris (831835) part of The Green - We need extra help for The Green,
Chris Massingham (831039) part of The Orchard,
Eddie Harley (830001) part of The Orchard,
George James (830075) part of The Orchard,
Mark Bates (832353) part of Twigden Road,
Sue Taylor (831255) part of Twigden Road,
Ann Moore (830737) part of Willow View,
Peter Saunders (830398) part of Willow View - We need more help with Willow View,
Mike Jackson (831747) keeps KOFS and KPFA up to date.
Tim Ward (07855388751) NHW Coordinator