Monday, 17 September 2012

Street Representatives In Kislingbury

I show below a list of the Volunteers who represent your Streets. What they do is not very demanding, but it makes the scheme successful, and my thanks go to them. If you would like to volunteer to become a Street Representative please contact me. You may want to share a Street with somebody who is already on the list. the more people we have the better the scheme works!

Kay Longland (832473) Beech Lane,
Wendy Blyth (832524) Camp Lane,
Hilary Nevison-Andrews (831683) Church Lane,
Lal Clayson (839017), Church Lane
Patricia Geary (830465, Dukes Green Road
Alana Truscott (831545) Hall Close,
Paul Collins (830219) High Street,
Mel Bowler (830969) High Street,
Bernard Gent (830579) Hodges Lane,
Jackie Hogan (83i633) Lichfield Close,
Kim Masters (830632) Mill Lane,
Fred Collins (830494) Mill Road
Di Ward (832171), Mill Road
Tim Ward (831558), Millers Close
Carol Blackburn, (07534973228), Nene Way
Madeline Headford (830603) Riverside Court and part of High Street,
Jackie Hogan (831633) School Lane,
Joan Starmer (830913) Starmer's Lane,
Felicity Dunkley (830514) part of The Green,
Miriam Harris (831835) part of The Green - We need extra help for The Green,
Chris Massingham (831039) part of The Orchard,
Eddie Harley (830001) part of The Orchard,
George James (830075) part of The Orchard,
Mark Bates (832353) part of Twigden Road,
Sue Taylor (831255) part of Twigden Road,
Ann Moore (830737) part of Willow View,
Peter Saunders (830398) part of Willow View - We need more help with Willow View,
Mike Jackson (831747) keeps KOFS and KPFA up to date.
Tim Ward (07855388751) NHW Coordinator

Monday, 5 March 2012

Telephone Scam Message - Document 2

Extract from the Blog of the Chief Executive of the Wandsworth Council, London

"Good morning, this is Barkingside Police Station".

That's how the call to my mother began, yesterday morning at 9am. She is 86 in a few weeks time and lives alone in the house in Redbridge where I was born over 50 years ago. Inevitably, she has seen many changes in her road over that period but enjoys a strong sense of neighbourly community. Like many people of that age, she is infirm, finds walking a great challenge but is sharp in her mind and generous in outlook.

"Is that Mrs Martin?"


"I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. Your bank cards have been stolen and we believe they are being used fraudulently"

"That can't be right. I've got them right here, in my handbag".

"Well, they are definitely being used fraudulently. It's possible they have been cloned - that is, copied. We have been talking to Lloyds TSB and they need to speak with you right away. Is it all right if we transfer you to them?"

"Yes, go ahead".

The call is transferred to Lloyds TSB.

"Hello, Mrs Martin. I'm afraid we need to recall your cards straight away and issue you with new ones. If it's all right with you, we will despatch a courier to collect them. We take security very seriously, and need to issue you with a security number. Could you take this number down?"

My mother dutifully took a note of the security number.

"Now, it's important that you don't reveal your PIN numbers to strangers. You know that don't you?"


"Our Fraud Division need to verify the PIN numbers with you, and they will call you later this morning. You will know it's a genuine call because they will provide you with the security number we gave you, so you can be sure it's a genuine call. Is that all right? It's most important you don't tell anyone else about this because the fraud investigation is underway and security mustn't be breached".

I'm sure you can guess what followed. Indeed, the "Fraud Division" called and obtained the PIN number from my (by now, very confused) Mum. The "courier" arrived later to collect the cards. Only later did she start to worry that there was something not quite right about all this.

She was receiving calls from these conmen right through to 9 30pm yesterday evening - by now, they were purporting to express concern about her welfare and (I would guess) wondering if there was some more money they could extract from her. Having withdrawn the entire contents of her accounts (£4,000) during the course of the day.

The rest you can guess. The (genuine) Police were called. It's a scam, more elaborate than the Police had previously seen. Of course, elderly people living alone are always the victims. The Police identified 11 calls to my mother from the fraudsters during the course of yesterday. By the night's end, she was shocked, angry with herself for being taken in and bewildered by the sophistication of the sting.

My mother is relatively fortunate - she has many friends and family to help her through the experience. I hope she doesn't decide she can no longer live alone at home.

Why have I committed this to a blog? Because I am reminded how our Council policy of supporting elderly people to live at home is not just about home care, but is about community safety and how communities work.

Secondly, because our own Community Safety team in Wandsworth is now starting to run safety sessions for elderly people on the model of the Junior Citizen Safety and Lifeskills programmes that have been successfully run in Wandsworth for many years. My mother's experience tells me that such awareness raising sessions are incredibly important in today's society.

Thirdly, because I was struck how cleverly the fraudsters impersonated the language and approaches of legitimate security services. Most of what she described was a straightforward lift from standard security practice, lulling her into a false sense of the authority of her callers.

Finally, because I want you to know and pass it on.

Telephone Scam Message - Document 1

Card Fraud Telephone Scam

The UK Cards Association is advising customers to be aware of a new variation

on an old style scam that involves people being telephoned by fraudsters and

duped into handing over their debit or credit card, and revealing their PIN.

How does the scam happen?

A fraudster rings you, claiming to be from your bank, saying their systems have spotted a fraudulent payment on your card or that your card is due to expire and needs replacing. You may be asked to ring back using the phone number on the back of your card - which further convinces you the call is genuine. However, the criminal keeps the line open at their end so, when you make the call, you are unknowingly connected straight back to the fraudster. Then, by seeming to offer assistance, the fraudster tries to gain your trust. In most cases you are asked to ‘cancel’ your existing card or ‘activate’ or ‘authorise’ a replacement card by keying your PIN into your phone’s handset. The fraudster then poses as a bank representative to pick up your card from your home, sometimes giving you a replacement card, which is a fake. In some cases a genuine courier company is hired to pick up the card, which the victim has been asked to place into an envelope. Once they have your card and PIN the fraudster uses them to spend your money. A variation of the scam involves the fraudster ringing a prospective victim and claiming to be from the police – again with the aim of going to the victim’s home to collect the card and PIN.

What can I do to avoid this scam?

Remember this advice:

Your bank or the police will NEVER ring you and tell you that they are coming to your home to pick up your card, so never hand it over to anyone who comes to collect it. Your bank will NEVER ask you to authorise anything by entering your PIN into the telephone. NEVER share your PIN with anyone – the only times you should use your PIN is at a cash machine or when you use a shop’s chip and PIN machine.

What should I do if I think I may have been the victim of a fraud or scam?

If you think you have been the victim of a fraud or scam of this nature you should call your bank or card company immediately.

Telephone Scam Message

Information sent on behalf of Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network
Message sent on behalf of James Maddan, Chair of NHWN

We are all familiar with the wide variety of scams that have plagued our communities for the past few years.  Distraction burglary and other doorstep crime is pervasive and has a significant impact on the victims. The latest evidence from Operation Liberal is that the victim of doorstep crime is between two and a half and three times more likely to die or be admitted to residential nursing care than someone of a similar age who has not been a victim.

I have been made aware of a particularly nasty scam which is spreading from London and the Home Counties where it started and is now being reported across England and Wales. This is known as the 'Courier Scam' and we should be making our members and the wider community aware of it.

The essence of the scam is described in a blog (attached) posted by the Chief Executive of Wandsworth Council in London and is self-explanatory. The police and the banks have issued some basic guidance (attached).

Message sent by
Sam Cox (NHWN, Administrator, UK)

Rating a message takes a few seconds and your feedback is vital for the improvement of this service, please use the buttons below.

Monday, 20 February 2012

NHW Newsletter February 2012

Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter - Kisl News February 2012
Jen Harrison, our PCSO, together with a Colleague, visited Willow View this Month and met residents. There were no issues of note to be reported. Inconsiderate Parking at junctions was mentioned by a couple  of residents . She advised that should a vehicle be parked inconsiderately that this is something that can be reported to Northamptonshire Police so that, where appropriate, an officer can be sent out to check on the situation. Please use the new 101 number to do this. Each incident would be looked at individually and if the vehicle is causing a complete obstruction of the highway, including the pavement, or the vehicle is causing immediate danger, then it will be dealt with.

Anyone who has Jen Harrison's direct phone number should note that it has changed to 101 ext 344275.

The Northamptonshire Police are planning an Open Day on Saturday 12 May, from 11am to 4pm, at Wootton Hall Park. The event is currently in the planning stages therefore the detail of all activities are yet to be confirmed, however the following demonstrations and scenarios will be taking place:
• Armed response vehicle and dogs demonstration
• Petrol bombing demonstration
• Off-road motorbike demonstration
• Taser demonstration
• Emergency response scenario
• Mock trial scenario
• Force Control Room demonstration
• Collision investigation team

Last year this was a very popular event with many people attending.

If you wish to know what will be the Policing Priorities for 2012 after consulting with the Public please visit the NHW Page on the Village Web Site to read the full document -

If you live in Ashby Close or Bugbrooke Road please think about volunteering to become a Street Representative for your street. This is not hard work, but it does help to make your neighbourhood more secure. These streets are more vulnerable than the rest of the Village as there is no obvious NHW presence. Please contact me (telephone number and email address below) if you wish to volunteer to be a Street Representative. Please see the Village Web site for the full list of Street Representatives at

  • Village news - The Police were called out to an antisocial behaviour incident in the Village and after completing an area search identified four young people responsible for causing a nuisance in the school grounds. A vehicle in Mill Lane, Kislingbury was broken into on Saturday 21 January.

If you wish to report an incident, or are suspicious about people in the Village please use 999 for Emergencies or the new 101 number for non emergency calls, or call me on 07855 388 751.

Local news -  Gayton - A red Nissan was stolen in Bugbrooke Road, Gayton on Saturday 14 January. Though I have not received any specific other Village Crime news for our region I still continue to get many reports of Crimes on Farms in our region.


The number of houses signed up to our Database is still 202 at the time of writing this report (No change over the month). There are still many of you who have not yet signed up so we should be able to reach 250 and well beyond by Easter!!!Those on the database will be able to receive urgent NHW messages direct, and important Village information. If you are not on the database we cannot contact you.
If you have changed your email address since signing on to the Database please let me have the new one and I shall amend your record.

Visit the Village Website, click on the Email Database link, and subscribe. It is very easy! Go to
Finally, you may have seen on BBC TV Publicity for an initiative to help people get on and use the Internet called "Go-On Give an Hour". I have registered as somebody who would like to help, and anyone who would like to use the internet but is having problems of any kind should contact me and I will be very happy to try to sort out the problem.
Remember, and use, the following numbers to report crimes or other incidents.
Police : 999 for an emergency or to Report a Crime. Non Emergency Calls to the Police use 101, or text to 18001 101. The dedicated Neighbourhood Watch Number is 01604 432 436. Police Community Support - Jen Harrison 03000 111 222. Crimestoppers ( Anonymous) 0800 555 111. 
Tim Ward
07855 388 751 and

NHW Newsletter January 2012

Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter - Kisl News January 2012
Northamptonshire Police now have a new Crime Prevention web page which is full of useful advice on how to help you to avoid becoming a victim of crime.  You can now find all the information you need about personal and home security on this dedicated new website. The new page provides a ‘one stop shop’ for anyone who wants to find out more about how to prevent crime and reduce the risk of becoming a victim. The section incorporates a range of information, from how to make your home and car more secure, to how to set up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme, together with information about business and rural crime as well as advice on how to prevent fraud and improve online security. There is useful advice on property marking, which can make valuables less attractive to thieves and help link criminals back to crime scenes or identify handlers of stolen goods. It can also help police identify stolen goods so they can be returned to their rightful owner.

The address of this website is

Our Community Police Team have sent me an update of their activities over the last couple of months. They have focused on the two areas that have been identified by meeting people at Street Meetings. These are Speeding and Anti-Social Behaviour, and they have taken action in both areas. If you would like to read the detail of their report please visit the News Section of the NHW Page on the Village Web Site -

There are still streets which do not have Street Representatives (Ashby Close, and Bugbrooke Road) and these streets are more vulnerable than the rest of the Village as there is no obvious NHW presence. Please contact me (telephone number and email address below) if you wish to volunteer to be the Street Representative for your street. This is not hard work, but it does help to make your neighbourhood more secure. Please see the Village Web site for the full list of Street Representatives at

Village news - I have no specific crimes to report. What I can say is that all around us thieves are very active stealing Metal and Fuel from mainly Farms, and some Businesses. So far they have not targeted domestic properties but we need to keep our eyes open and be prepared to challenge anyone who we are suspicious of. The Police will welcome calls as they want to stop this wave of crime that we have heard about on the news.

If you wish to report an incident, or are suspicious about people in the Village please use 999 for Emergencies or the new 101 number for non emergency calls, or call me on 07855 388 751.

Local news -  Gayton - It has recently been reported that a vehicle in Blisworth Road was broken into on Friday 6 January. Milton Malsor - Vehicles in Green Street and Orchard Close were broken into overnight on Wednesday 11 January. Diesel was siphoned from a vehicle in Chestnut Close. Between Friday 6 and Monday 9 January, parts were stolen from a van in Gayton Road. An unsuccessful attempt was made to break into a garage in the High Street overnight on Wednesday 11 January. Rothersthorpe - Plant equipment was stolen from the yard of a rural property in Banbury Lane between Friday 23 and Saturday 31 December. Batteries were stolen from the yard of a rural property in Banbury Lane between Friday 23 and Saturday 31 December.


The number of houses signed up to our Database is still 202 at the time of writing this report (No change over the month). There are still many of you who have not yet signed up so we should be able to reach 250 and well beyond by Easter!!!Those on the database will be able to receive urgent NHW messages direct, and important Village information. If you are not on the database we cannot contact you.


If you have changed your email address since signing on to the Database please let me have the new one and I shall amend your record.

Visit the Village Website, click on the Email Database link, and subscribe. It is very easy! Go to
Finally, you may have seen on BBC TV Publicity for an initiative to help people get on and use the Internet called "Go-On Give an Hour". I have registered as somebody who would like to help, and anyone who would like to use the internet but is having problems of any kind should contact me and I will be very happy to try to sort out the problem.
Remember, and use, the following numbers to report crimes or other incidents.

Police : 999 for an emergency or to Report a Crime. Non Emergency Calls to the Police use 101, or text to 18001 101. The dedicated Neighbourhood Watch Number is 01604 432 436. Police Community Support - Jen Harrison 03000 111 222. Crimestoppers ( Anonymous) 0800 555 111. 
Tim Ward
07855 388 751 and

NHW Newsletter December 2011

Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter - Kisle News December 2011

From our Community Police Officer Jen Harrison I have received some information concerning Crime reported in our Village for the period April 1 2011 to November 30 2011, compared with the same period last year:

2011 - Total Crimes for this period is 44
2 Burglary Dwelling
5 Burglary Other
11 Criminal Damage
8 Deception Fraud
1 Drug Offences
1 Other Offence
5 Theft from Motor Vehicles
8 Theft/Handling
2 Theft of Motor Vehicle
1 Violence Offences [ domestic related incidents]

2010 - Total Crimes for this period is 55
1 Burglary Dwelling
10 Burglary Other
15 Criminal Damage
1 Deception Fraud
3 Other Offence
2 Theft from Motor Vehicles
13 Theft/Handling
4 Theft of Motor Vehicle
6 Violence Offences [ domestic related incidents]


Whilst it is very good to see that there has been a reduction, nevertheless we are still suffering almost 4 Crimes per month. It is worrying to see that Deception Fraud has increased as this includes Doorstep and Phone Crimes. We have talked about this many times. Please ensure that your Street Residents take all precautions to avoid becoming a victim of any Crime.

·         Keep presents both wrapped and unwrapped out of view – make sure they’re not visible from any windows.

·         Don’t put gift packaging out for recycling or leave it sticking out of your bin – thieves will notice boxes for branded products like laptops, TVs or even accessories that could indicate there’s an expensive piece of kit somewhere in the house.

·         Leave a light on and draw the curtains when you go out at night.

·         Mark your valuables with a UV pen or property marking service. You can register your property with which is endorsed by a number of police forces and which also sells property marking products.

  • If you are staying at home make sure that all keys, handbags, and other valuable items (phones, iPads, etc.) are not on view through windows after you have gone to bed.

·         If you’re going away, ask a trusted neighbour to pop in every now and then and turn the lights on and off, draw the curtains, collect the mail and generally make the house look occupied. And it goes without saying, make sure everything is properly locked up before you leave and the burglar alarm – if you have one – is set. Cancel your newspapers, magazines and milk deliveries.

There are still streets which do not have Street Representatives (Ashby Close, and Bugbrooke Road) and in my mind these streets are more vulnerable as there is no obvious NHW presence. Please contact me (telephone number and email address below) if you wish to volunteer to be the Street Representative for your street. This is not hard work, but it does help to make your neighbourhood more secure. Please see the Village Web site for the full list of Street Representatives at

For Police Crime Reports please Visit the NHW News Page on the Village Web site

Village news - I have no specific crimes to report. What I can say is that all around us, and in one case last month in our Village, thieves are very active stealing Metal and Fuel from mainly Farms, and some Businesses. So far they have not targeted domestic properties but we need to keep our eyes open and be prepared to challenge anyone who we are suspicious of. The Police will welcome calls as they want to stop this wave of crime that we have heard about on the news.

If you wish to report an incident, or are suspicious about people in the Village please use 999 for Emergencies or the new 101 number for non emergency calls, or call me on 07855 388 751.
Local news - Nothing specific to report for our region.
The number of houses signed up to our Database is 202 at the time of writing this report. We achieved the target before Christmas!! There are still many of you who have not yet signed up so we should be able to reach 250 and well beyond by Easter!!!Those on the database will be able to receive urgent NHW messages direct, and important Village information. If you are not on the database we cannot contact you.


Visit the Village Website, click on the Email Database link, and subscribe. It is very easy! Go to
Finally, you may have seen on BBC TV Publicity for an initiative to help people get on and use the Internet called "Go-On Give an Hour". I have registered as somebody who would like to help, and anyone who would like to use the internet but is having problems of any kind should contact me and I will be very happy to try to sort out the problem.
Remember, and use, the following numbers to report crimes or other incidents.

Police : 999 for an emergency or to Report a Crime. Non Emergency Calls to the Police use 101, or text to 18001 101. The dedicated Neighbourhood Watch Number is 01604 432 436. Police Community Support - Jen Harrison 03000 111 222. Crimestoppers ( Anonymous) 0800 555 111. 
Tim Ward
07855 388 751 and