Wednesday 30 November 2011

NHW Newsletter June 2011

Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter - Kisle News June 2011
Village news - I have received very little information since the last Newsletter of any crime or other incidents in the Village (I have not yet received the latest Crime Report so there may be more news in the next Newsletter).  We seem to be enjoying a calm time at the moment and all need to be vigilant to keep it so. A planned "Rave" at the Playing Fields in May did not happen due to precautions taken and the strong presence of the Police during the evening. We need to keep our ears open to try to stop these events happening. Any information you may have about parties being organised please tell me or Mike Jackson of the Playing Field Association.

Suspicious Cars were seen one night near the playing fields and when they were aware of the interest in them left immediately. A Registration number was passed on to the Police. A White truck supposedly collecting metal was challenged earlier this month and left immediately. The Village was alerted to the presence of the truck and the Registration Number was passed on to the Police.

Our first Street Meeting with the Police (the new way the Police will interact with the Community) will be held on July 15 at 6:00 p.m. at the Car Park near the Toddler Play Area of the Playing Fields. The focus will be on Anti-Social Behaviour and the Streets targeted are Hall Close, Beech Lane, The Green, and High Street. But anyone in the Village who would like to raise issues with the Police is Welcome, even if you do not live in those Streets.

Hopefully the weather will soon be getting warmer so it is time to remind everyone to be careful about leaving Doors and Windows open. It only takes seconds for a thief to enter a house, snatch valuables, and be out again, if the windows and doors are not locked. Keep your valuables, house keys, and car keys out of sight of Windows or Letter Flaps as it is easy to "fish" them out. Please also remember that even if a Caller to a house appears to be genuine the Police still want to check them. Please call me or the Police on the number shown below to report anyone calling on you without an appointment.

I have not received the latest Crime Report so cannot give you any information about Reported Crime in our Village or the surrounding area. For the previous Crime Reports please Visit the NHW News Page on the Village Web site

If you wish to report an incident, or are suspicious about people in the Village please use 999 for Emergencies or the number 01604 432 436 to report what you see immediately, or call me on 07855 388 751.
Local news - Nothing to report.
We still need more Volunteers for Streets not yet covered. Please see the Village Web site for the full list of Street Representatives at
Right now we have over 140 Houses in the Village registered on the Database. They will be able to receive urgent NHW messages direct, and important Village information. However, there are a lot of people who still have not signed on to the list and I encourage you all to visit the Village Web site where there is a link to the Subscribe option. If you are not on the database we cannot contact you.

Visit the Village Website, click on the Email Database link, and subscribe. It is very easy! Go to
Remember, and use, the following numbers to report crimes or other incidents.
Police : 999 for an emergency or to Report a Crime. Non Emergency Police Number 01604 432 436. Police Community Support - Jen Harrison 03000 111 222. Crimestoppers ( Anonymous) 0800 555 111. 
Tim Ward
07855 388 751 and